It is inevitable that we compare country with country. Compared to Philippines Taiwan's streets and waterways are so much cleaner, buildings are finished...none of the Philippine tax system rip off....(unfinished buildings do not attract tax).
Prices for food here in Taiwan is comparable to Philippines but wages are much higher so the living standards are soooooo different.
On the second night I (Brian) was sitting on the front deck relaxing and people watching when I was approached by a young woman and her parents....'were we really from NZ, How long will we be here..etc etc......We invited them aboard for a look see and WOW...the next thing we were being taken to the night market and the offer of a trip to Kenting National Park the following day. We gratefully accepted this offer and the following morning we were picked up at 8am.
This is an absolutely beautiful park...forests, mountains, golden beaches and right on the waterfront beside the most popular beach is a NUCLEAR POWER STATION !!!!!!!
The whole day was a totally amazing experience...we were treated like royalty, feed,watered and not allowed to touch our wallets once.
The nuclear plant had the most amazing visitors centre, showing both the good and bad side of the system.
Not far from here is another marina...space for three boats...
We have also met a university student (age about 25)who yachting crazy...he has also been able to find the bike tyre we desperately needed. And last night they took us to a HotPot restaurant where we had the interesting pleasure of eating, among other things, ducks blood which was like a wobbly jelly. Today we believe the taste sensation is going to be 'stinky tofu'
Today we are off to Tainan and then on Monday we are off for an overnight visit to Alishan.......
So our next report will be a few days away.
Brian and Carol