But Cruiser Brian and Pirate Brian went out to play and guess what ?????? they needed the services of something big and grunty to get them out of the sandpit......
No matter where we are Brian usually manages to find 'heavy' equipment. Diggers, concrete mixers, big trucks...these bring a gleam to his eye. Where we go walking we have to pass a huge, and I mean huge yard full of diggers, trucks, front end loaders, etc etc....all second hand from Japan. Every few months this place has an auction and I am thankful that we have a small yacht and not something big enough to take this digger.
Kids and water...no matter what country we have been in our dingy is not only our favourite method of travelling to shore, but it is a magnet to kids.
The weather is still great, the people are till fun and friendly but we are getting itchy feet. Once the part for the auto pilot arrives we shall look at starting to head slowly north. 'What part for the auto pilot' you ask...' oh just the part that allows us to go where we want rather round and round in circles.
Love you all