now where was I.....oh yes
plus other nationalities. The place is huge and the exterior is painted in corporate colours which happen to be a very vivd blue.
We were the guest of a Polish guy who is overseeing the manufacture/quality of the boats his company is purchasing. We were driven around the factory site and then we had a lovely lunch with senior Korean Personel. After lunch and the obligatory bowing and thank you's Carol was handed a gift of a beautiful wooden mother of pearl inlaid jewellery box.
Subic Bay presents a slightly seedy appearance to us. The USA legacy is interesting to see in the hands of the Philippine. The security guards at the 'gates' which cut Subic Bay of from the rest of the area, the policemen at the traffic lights...who have been known to shoot people who run a red light.....the buildings that were once kept to a high standard are now sporting broken windows, droopy eaves. And then there are the buildings built and being maintained by the new 'invader' the Koreans.
From what we can see if it wasn't for these people and their money this part of the Philippines would be no different fromany other Philippine city.
The marina was built about 15 years ago and maintanence done on a 'oh look something has fallen off, lets think about fixing it' basis it is a sad, dirty, expensive place.
We are really lucky to be tied to Vasco's private dock.
We have met some super people......Christmas day was spent in the Company of many nationalities...French, Norwegian, Australian, English, American, Polish, Korean.
We ate more than our fair share of ham, turkey,fruit salad, salad.
To return the hospitality Brian and I cooked a Roast Beef with yorkshire pudding, roast vegetable, brocolli in cheese sauce, beans dinner for 20 people. I was able to use the restaurant kitchen and with lemon meringue pie or trifle to finish the evening was a great success.
We have been lucky with the new friends we have made....Ben the new comer to sailing who on his first ever trip connected with Typhoon Frank between Hong Kong and the Philippines, and survived....he did need encouragement to disconnect the security lines attatching him to the marina but he is now out there enjoying life,and windsurfing,
Captain Jerry who is in charge of a REALLY BIG SHIP,who has the unusual habit of smoking a pipe when on shore leave,and a fabulous sense of humor,Crafty who owns the biggest supermarket in Borocay and dishes up a great Indian Curry, Bryson a fellow Kiwi who is currently cooling down in NZ while his lovely Lady Emma chaffs at her ropes awaitng his return,Pirate Brian and his wife Rose,Micheal and Jannet, Slawek and Inna and their adorable daughter Alexandra, Chriz,...the list goes on and on
Brian has been busy varnishing and doing general boat maintainance....oops the auto pilot is playing up !!!!! damm ...the bike has a pucture.....bother i can't find clean clothes...... while I have been making a quilt, reading, cooking at Vasco's
Life is good. Take care
Brian and Carol